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EEA grants

15. 6. 2015

Bohemia JazzFest ops, a charity organization, is the recipient of the grant 2015  from the EEA and Norwegian Funds 2009-2014 program CZ06 - Cultural heritage and contemporary art.  Bohemia JazzFest was founded in 2005 and is this celebrating its 10th anniversary of  the outdoor music festival where all concerts are for free. The main objective for Bohemia Jazzfest is to introduce music to everyone and offer the public a chance to hear for free some of the best musicians in the world.
The international music festival Bohemia JazzFest 2015 will take place in cooperation with the Norwegian jazz group Hakon Kornstad Ensemble "Tenor Battle "and the Icelandic jazz group Sunna Gunnlaugs Trio.
Implementation of Bohemia Jazzfest contribute to the objectives of cultural policy in professional artistic fields especially music, and encourage the presentation of contemporary art to the general public aimed at raising awareness of cultural diversity and strengthening intercultural dialogue.
